Beyond Logistics: We Deliver Peace of Mind

E-commerce expedited

Your Success is Our Priority

With over 25 years of logistics expertise; KAHA Logistik empowers the UK's most ambitious e-commerce businesses to thrive.

Our proven five-step approach delivers measurable results:

  1. Thorough Analysis:
    We dive deep into your current carrier strategy to uncover hidden opportunities.

  2. Unrivalled Experience:
    Avail yourself of our unparalleled experience; we get more done, faster.

  3. Tailored Solutions:
    We recommend the perfect carrier mix, optimising costs and enhancing customer experience.

  4. Quantifiable Savings:
    You'll see the ROI in your bottom line.

  5. Ongoing Support:
    We're your dedicated partner, ensuring smooth operations and continuous improvement.


Flexible, Cost-Effective Carrier Management

Choose the level of support that's right for your business; we understand the unique challenges of diverse product ranges and complex logistics.

Get unparalleled expertise at a fraction of the cost of hiring a carrier manager:

  • Semi-Managed Carrier:
    We handle invoice reconciliation, forecasting, reporting, and issue resolution, optimising your carrier spend.

  • Fully-Managed Carrier:
    We take full ownership of carrier selection, performance management, returns, and even carrier system administration. This comprehensive solution includes four modules from our carrier tender/procurement offer and frees up your team to focus on growth.


Easy New Beginnings

Leverage our extensive experience to seamlessly effect change; from a simple review, procurement exercise through to total transformation.

As change agents, we guide you through one small change or a whole work programme:

  • Carrier/Freight/Systems Procurement:
    Our unique blend of hands-on experience, deep industry knowledge, and transparent processes, powered by cutting-edge technology, delivers unmatched results for your procurement needs.

  • Rapid Diagnostics:

    We excel at uncovering hidden costs and inefficiencies through advanced scenario modelling, maximising your supply chain's productivity and profitability.

  • Implementing Change:

    Our proven project management framework and tailored roadmaps ensure seamless implementation of your logistics solutions, allowing you to focus on your core business.